Welcome to TGameStudio,

A place where display my projects.

There are two categories : Games and Other Projects. Feel free to explore and try them!


Never Stop

Never Stop


Snow Fall

Pixel Run

Pixel run



Rocket Traveler

Rocket Traveler

Tap it!

Tap it

Walk to Math

Walk to Math

Space Defend

Space Defend

More to come!


Other Projects


Copy quickly a folder into another, useful for doing repeated backup of a thumb drive.
Link to Github

Video Capture Player

Application to play video and audio from any input devices.
Link to Github

AminoAcids Quiz

Website with a quiz to study amino acids.
Link to Github
Link to website

Markov's Chain Simulator

Web app simulating Markov's chain with animations.
Link to Github
Link to website

About me

David Binh Quang Tran

Making games is my hobby, it's for fun and it's for learning, because I believe that the goal of games is having fun, whether when making it or playing it. Also, while I'm the only one developing, sometimes, friends help me with the music and art.

View David Binh Quang Tran's profile on LinkedIn